Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Three stories
Got a collection of random updates to add in, so in no particular order, here goes...

Three stories #1
Last month I went down to Bristol with Mary to see my old friend Nev. That's old as in I've known him since we were 13, not old as in age, although there is no denying we're getting on a bit now.....

The hotel car park was full, but I managed to find a place to park (underneath a ramp) as shown here.

Here is another picture (model provided for scale).

Nothing to do with boats, but amused me and puzzled the hotel staff.

Three stories #2
Been making some steps to access the front deck. My neighbor Dave watched my initial attempts to cut the rebate for the treads and then offered to help me (he's a carpenter and has a table saw on his boat). The picture here shows everything in kit form.

This next picture has everything all glued and clamped up.

...and this is what they look like in place. I need to oil and wax them, but that'll have to wait until I get back after Easter.

Three stories #3
During the course of the stair making, the cable ties holding on one of my low profile tyre fenders broke, and the tyre sank into the depths. Even though the tyre was free, it was doing a good job of keeping the boat away from the dock. No one was around for me to borrow a boat hook from, so I wandered over to the marina shop. They just happened to have a tiny folding anchor for £3.65 - bargain! I've no idea what sort of boat this is meant to hold, but it'll do me as a grappling hook.

After about 10 minutes of dragging the lake bed, I managed to find the tyre and hook it back up. Far more satisfying than I would've thought, and I had to be restrained from throwing more things in just to fish them out again.

I upgraded the attachment for the tyre to a chain based system. Its not going anywhere now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ more of that friggin' grappling hook, I'm gonna come there, find it and chuck it in the lake ;-)

6:45 AM  

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