Friday, November 17, 2006

Not massive amounts of progress this week, but I’ve made a little partition by the side door. This’ll be somewhere to hang a few coats etc. It also is a good place to store the ironing board (once I’d modified the board), but this was more by accident than design. Still, I’ll claim it as a good idea.

This all needs painting, but I’ve got a couple of other things to make before I have a painting-fest, so it’ll stay as it is for now.

The eco fan (sitting on top of the stove) has been working well. It runs off of the heat generated by the stove and just helps to circulate the air around. Given that the boat is fairly open plan, things seem to stay warm. I’ve been running the stove on its lowest setting, and unless the temperature is in single figures it tends to be too warm. Apparently the stove only uses .25 litre of fuel an hour on this setting – amazing the trivia you can find on the internet.

On Wednesday lunchtime I took the boat round the corner to refuel. Bit of an adventure, lightly hit one boat on the way in. I chose midweek at lunch to do this, thinking that it'll be quiet, but oh no, when I came back to my mooring a small crowd had gathered to watch me cock it up. Got reversed into my berth on the second attempt. Was nice to go for a little trip, even if only was a couple of hundred meters.


Blogger MortimerBones said...

sounds like you are having fun! Why is it a crowd always appears when doing badly and never when making an excellent manoevre!!!

8:53 PM  

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